понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 20, 12:32 PM
    No, only an irrational person defends them at all cost. A die hard is one who puts up with occasional mistakes in the products.

    Did threads just get merged again? Because the last dozen posts are complete rehashes of earlier posts.

    Then we have a lot of irrational people here. A lot of people put up with an occasional mistake here and there.

    blank world map outline countries. Colorful printable lank world
  • Colorful printable lank world

  • rdowns
    Mar 24, 12:52 PM
    Where does race come into this? I don't ask rhetorically. I may have missed it.

    I believe a lot of the anti-Obama crap spewed by the Tea Party and Republicans is based more on his race than his party.

    blank world map outline countries. BLANK WORLD MAP WITH COUNTRIES

  • AppleKrate
    Sep 19, 11:14 AM
    - 2 CPU cores compared to 1 CPU core
    - Radically greater FSB bandwidth
    - PC2-5300 DDR2 memory compared to PC2-4200 DDR2
    - PCIe 16x for graphics controller compared to AGP 8x
    - Improved graphics controller with more VRAM
    - Dedicated 1.5 Gbps SATA for hard disk compared to UATA-100
    - ExpressCard/34 (has PCIe 1x and USB 2.0) compared to CardBus
    - MagSafe power connector
    - Built-in iSight camera
    - etc.

    ok, thanks :o
    ps I want more :D

    blank world map outline countries. lank world map with countries
  • lank world map with countries

  • Scottsdale
    Apr 6, 11:59 AM
    It would be about as fast. The IGP is 150MHz slower though so graphics wise it would be slightly slower. chrmjenkins explained some smaller details but in terms of performance, i7-2649M should be similar to i5-2520M.

    Remember that those are numbers under Windows. Anand mentioned in his 2011 MBP review that Intel HD 3000 has brilliant drivers in OS X, and in general it beat the 320M in OS X too. In Windows it got badly beaten by 320M. Sure the LV and especially ULV IGP will be slower than 320M, even in OS X but the Windows numbers don't correspond to OS X numbers.

    Are you smoking something? Sure the IGP used in SB 13" MBP might get some fudged numbers by those who report for Apple, but you think the ULV SB IGP is going to even compare to the 320m on any level??? Huh? You are far smarter than that.

    A lot of people using the 13" MBP in comparison when there are almost no similaries.

    I don't believe a ULV CPU gets used in the 13" MBA. I don't believe this CPU in the story gets used in the 13" MBA. I don't believe Apple is dumb enough to ruin the MBA brand AGAIN with Intel's IGP at this time. I don't believe that what Apple does in the 13" MBP has any correlation with the MBA because the IGP is different. I believe when Apple and Nvidia said Apple will use the Nvidia chipset and GPU for a long time they were specifically citing the MBA, as it make no sense for the MBA to be so challenged as to get such an inferior design leading to tragic real world results.

    In 2012 the MBA will get an update when it actually makes sense. People waiting for a ULV SB chip in the 13" MBA will be waiting a long time. People waiting or expecting SB IGP to even compare in ULV variants will be waiting forever as they cannot match the Nvidia offering with the underclocked IGP.

    This story is ridiculous as written.

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  • AttilaTheHun
    Jun 13, 05:27 PM
    congrats..but why would anyone pay 425$ for a 3GS/32 when most can get the iPhone discount for a 4G for 74$ more?..I have 3GS/32 black and Im going to keep mine for a back-up phone/iPod/maybe sell it later/ and I'm getting the $499 discount since I'm not eligible for an upgrade til 3/11...glta

    You got great price, me too sold my 3GS 32G less then one year old in mint condition got only $400

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  • world map outline with

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 29, 10:03 AM
    Labelling birthers as racist, paranoid, or nutters is just pandering to the distraction of all this. The persistence of this "issue" could be more of a logical desire to belittle or erode the political power of the current president; which is akin to schoolyard gossiping, sure, but it's still strangely effective.
    The name-calling is childish, too. In fact, you usually hear it from left-wingers.

    blank world map outline countries. lank world map outline with
  • lank world map outline with

  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:46 AM
    Pot, meet kettle.

    There's a difference in what I wrote and what the OP did. I said I THINK. Big difference between a declaritive statement and offering my opinion.

    blank world map outline countries. lank world map outline
  • lank world map outline

  • Super Dave
    Aug 8, 12:50 AM
    Also a very good point, so I need a bigger main HD for my MacBookPro (the new Seagate 160GB becomes interesting) for Time Machine, but i still need to back the hole thing up to an external HD in case of a HD crash (I had 2 in the last 8 months!). So Tine Machine doesn't make Backups obsolete, I didn't even think of that up to now. Hmmm..

    Time Machine is backup, it's not for on the same drive (or nothing implied it was).

    David :cool:

    blank world map outline countries. world map outline countries.
  • world map outline countries.

  • macfan881
    Aug 11, 12:29 AM
    Just saw on the video preview for amazon.com that this will have the Top Gears track i thought that was pretty awesome cant wait for this to finally come out. Wasn't this game a original Launch game?

    blank world map outline countries. world map outline with
  • world map outline with

  • georgi0
    Sep 19, 01:22 AM
    Several other companies have 2 lb laptops. Where is my Mac 2 lb laptop?

    i think this will imply a huge expansion for apple (to cover on all markets of laptops) resulting in problems with the assebly lines too many models to support and etc.

    ithink just a few models for now will gurantee better support and clear problem solving when something happensto them.

    blank world map outline countries. World Map Printable Countries
  • World Map Printable Countries

  • BRLawyer
    Aug 26, 02:54 PM
    Let's make it clear. The first revision of any highly integrated system is produced with an acceptable failure rate. With results coming in, failures recorded and internal testing continuous between the life of the first and second revision you will see a drop in failures in the next revision.

    Every item that is in the next revision will have been tested, more flaws removed, etc. No piece of hardware is released with zero defects. [human interference aside such as dropping the product, overheating it, intentionally forcing failure]

    If for every 1000 systems shipped approximately 20 fail, after a minimum predicted total hours, this 2% attrition rate is highly desirable. If you can't accept it you can stop using technology, now.

    For every ten people bitching on this board about failures there is over 1,000 that don't.

    That's exactly what I wanted to say...there are 10 whiners in this MR board that make a lot of noise, compared to 1,000,000 out there that don't...so we always have the impression that Apple is faltering, which is totally nonsense.

    What matter are the independent reports and the statistical data that show, continuously, how Apple leads the pack in terms of support, reliability and MTBF; the rest is anecdotal evidence.

    It's not only about industrial quality, which often depends on outsourced companies, overseas workers and contractual enforcement. It's also about giving the support a customer needs...and Apple is second to none in that.

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  • printable lank world map with

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Dec 4, 09:15 PM
    I feel like a little cheating girl, but i turned on the skid recovery thing for the Lambo race in the Italy tour. I really wish i could do it without being a wimp, but its just not worth the frustration for me. I'll have to try the Alfa Romeo time trial with the skid thing on and see how that helps me.

    There needs to be more snow rally races. The beginner snow rally is the most fun i've had in the game so far. Its just perfect in every way.

    blank world map outline countries. lank world map outline
  • lank world map outline

  • QCassidy352
    Apr 6, 02:10 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)


    You keep talking about the MBA being "crippled" - how so? What can't it do other than play optical media? Why can't you do "real work" on it?

    As for the graphics, I'm under no illusion that it can play games like a mbp let alone gaming PC. And I don't need that. But the current MBA can play some modern games (SC II for example) at decent settings and frames. I wouldnt want to lose the ability to do casual gaming by going to the intel integrated.

    blank world map outline countries. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • iMrNiceGuy0023
    Jun 20, 04:28 PM
    you might be better off at a mall RadioShack than a stand alone store....they tend to get more inventory of any product

    blank world map outline countries. BLANK WORLD MAP WITH COUNTRIES

  • 11thIndian
    Apr 6, 09:04 PM
    Never said it was an industry-wide trent (sic). I said "a lot of professionals" have made the switch.


    When what you meant to say was, "A lot of professionals I know.".

    Your welcome.

    blank world map outline countries. lank world map outline
  • lank world map outline

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 26, 06:05 PM
    I'm not sure if this is old news, but I only had heard last week that the UK Dell site was listing (not selling) Core 2 Duo systems. When I heard about that, I checked the US site, but no Core 2 Duo computers were yet advertised there. Well, I checked again today, and Dell is starting to sell their Core 2 Duo desktops. I didn't see anything about estimated ship time.

    It doesn't look like their notebooks are selling the new chips yet.

    blank world map outline countries. lank world map with countries
  • lank world map with countries

  • shelterpaw
    Aug 7, 05:52 PM
    can't believe only 8 people voted for 64bit, its the most profound change here.... all others you can achieve with some 3rd party softwares.
    Maybe that's because many of us wont know how it will effect us if at all. Most people here are consumers and 64bit wont have an effect for some time to come.

    I'm sure it'll have a much bigger impact on the scientific and server community, but not much for the rest of us.

    I use Adobe tools and Ableton for creative stuff. Will any of those apps be 64bit or be able to take advantage of it? I have no idea. I just can't see the benefits yet.

    blank world map outline countries. printable lank world map
  • printable lank world map

  • jasweb
    Apr 8, 08:54 AM
    Final Cut Playmobil for the reel editors


    Made me laugh... then it made me cry...

    blank world map outline countries. lank map of world countries.
  • lank map of world countries.

  • yayitsezekiel
    Apr 27, 12:45 PM
    I think all birthers need to listen to this, because you're OBVIOUSLY "correct" http://www.glennbeck.com/content/videos/?uri=channels/451373/1315781

    on a serious note, why are you getting your pants in a wad over a man's birth certificate? Please note, I AM a conservative. But the man is already in office, i think republicans need to focus on more realistic issues such as spending, governmental policy, and national security (southern border anyone?), etc.


    get real.

    Henri Gaudier
    Aug 26, 04:34 AM
    Every time I read a thread on Apple's reliability or Apple's service I rarely see my experiences mirrored but this time there seems to be a lot of disatisfied people out there. I've had nearly a dozen Macs and everyone has either died or needed something major correcting. And everytime the service from Apple has been diabolical. EVERYTIME. Often native Dutch or German centres I think. How can this be with all of these Apple are great stories? "Our customer satisfaction is very high" Schiller *****!! And as for the Indian call centre closing down as quickly as it opened remark - well that just shows you Apples attitude to workers rights doesn't it. Globalisation crap. Apple are a wank capitalist corp that designs nice products and then they get someone else to make them in the cheapest way possible. All this idolatry. There service may be good in the US for whatever reasons, pride or US consumer expectations but when they travel abroad they don't give a *****. Trust me. If only there was some way out but after the thousands I've spent on software... there's no changing.

    Apr 27, 09:04 AM
    The principle of any and every cell phone is that if can connect to a cellular network signal, it knows where you are. Based upon every unique cellular ID, the networks know how to route incoming calls and texts to you, If it didn't how that. how the h#!! do you think you'd get any calls? Right now, sitting at my desk, Verizon knows exactly where I am (based upon triangulation of the nearest cell towers. They have my unique cell ID and my account information. My dumb phone even has a gps 911 locator on it. I dial 911, they know where I am.

    Side story: the credit card companies know exactly where I am better then the cell companies. Every time I swipe my credit or debit card, they know where I am. When I travel for vacation, I am very likely to get a call from my credit card company (on my cell) asking where, when and how long I will be traveling. They know every store and every purchase I've ever made on a credit card.

    Apr 27, 01:17 PM
    (insert here where some smart-A responds with "slavery?" or something equally inapplicable)Me first! I'll do it!

    Apr 25, 03:58 PM
    I always wonder what people are thinking...

    "Apple <or insert any evil corporation or government entity> has 100s millions of customers, but I bet they've singled me out for tracking with the black helicopters and vans because I make $25,000 a year and have access to the a state of the art Camry and have 2.5 kids."


    "Those bastards at Apple <or insert again> are trying to figure out what I like to buy with their Genius tracking the songs I download, ads I click on, etc. to try to target ads and future products at me! Those sons of bitches!"

    People, 1984 was long ago. You have no privacy unless you don't live in society, e.g unabomber. Get over yourself, you are not so special Apple is paying any specific attention to you. They want to know how many 1000s of people are at your Starbucks, but not you. Otherwise, encrypt your backups, chain your iPhone, iPad, Macs and PCs to your wrist, and shoot at anyone that looks over your shoulder.

    Besides, the iPhone Software License Agreement is pretty solid on this front. The only hole to fill is why it might still be logging when Location Services is disabled. But at end of the day, this is a tiny tiny aspect of a much much larger issue - we use technology that will track what we do, influence us, etc. We have to learn to accept this. It's going to be impossible to stop this. Get over it.

    Aug 17, 03:32 PM
    And for what purpose? Would any of you drop the $3500 needed to upgrade to the latest Mac Pro? Or is it just the drool factor, like when you look through Car and Driver and drool over an $80K sports car?
    Some people do things called graphic design and video editing for a living. Sometimes, when you want to make money and put food on the table, you want top of the line equipment.:rolleyes:

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